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Welcome to the Awaken Your "Y" Program
Enrollment Dates Coming Soon!!


Let's make this your best year yet! Get excited to feel inspired, empowered, and take the necessary steps to getting on track.  Awaken Your "Y" program comes to life in an online community. Our Community is created to connect you with amazing like-minded people as you grow through the process to live a life full of gratitude and peace.  If you’re looking to be more present since you’re spread too thin or need some more time to take care of yourself, or you're ready to step into better personal and business relationships, this is for you! 


Awaken Your "Y" is just for You!

  • On the outside your life looks good, and may even seem "perfect"


  • You wear many hats each day.


  • Your free time is not often.


  • Your mind is racing.


  • Your To-Do list is on a constant loop in your head 24/7.


  • You can't get out from under the overwhelm.


  • You're ready to take charge. 


  • You're ready to make a change.



The Awaken Your "Y" Membership

New! Membership Enrollment Coming Soon!


  • Each month will have a different focus in area of your life. We will have monthly self assessments where you can reflect and gain insight. In addition, you will get a downloadable poster that you can share, post and print to stay inspired.


  • Exclusive members only lessons to take action on personal growth goals. 


  • Live Q & A Session. A live session within our group where we will discuss topics relevant to you and a space you can ask questions - all live!


  • A supportive community where you can connect with others in a private Facebook group. In this space you are encouraged to ask, share, and support others. 


  • Be the first to know about upcoming events and enjoy discounts. 


  • No obligation - You can cancel your subscription at any time

"Y" Should I Join Awaken  Your "Y"?

First and foremost, you'll know you aren't doing this alone. So many times we may feel that we are out there on an island trying to make it by ourselves. Not True! You'll have the support of the community by your side. 


We love coffee, but tomorrow morning you won't need it to keep going, you'll sip it and enjoy!


Imagine a day where you're not annoyed with your significant other, you're not losing patience while helping with your child's homework, and no one gets yelled at because the dishes are left in the sink...AGAIN!


It's the end of the week and you stayed on track with your workout schedule - Go YOU! Share the news with the Community and we can help you celebrate!


© 2021 Awaken Your Y

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